The dirty little secret behind why players are signing these early deals

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For several weeks now, at least a few times a week, a player, often fairly prominent enough, has agreed to a long-term extension with his existing club. And in the majority of those instances Ive found myself wondering, why the hell that actually took place.Of all times in the Pascal Siakam Jersey NFL schedule, why now?Unle s you are setting some new standard of pay for your particular position group or your current team is giving you such a premium in its compensation that offsets the ability to actually discern what the free-market will bear when the league year begins, then why put pen to paper in late January of early February?Ive got an answer for why this phenomenon occurs, but Im going to make you read a bit more before I explain.The fiscal provocations for doing so right now are, frankly, limited at best. Anyone who took Economics 101 and understands the basics of incentives, supply and demand would have to question the rush to sign a contract now. The combine, which is the official/unofficial tampering period when the market for every position group is actually set, is just two weeks away and the formal opening of free agency le s than a month away. The single-biggest risk in the NFL is that of injury, but by February, the vast majority of players have already played out the season (unle s you are playing in the Super Bowl) and thus now the hammer of power has started to fit quite comfortably in their hands. Theyve survived. And the time to prosper is at hand, in March. And generally far le s so than in January or February.If you have a basic grasp of the way the NFL calendar works and understand that the salary cap is about to jump significantly -- not to mention that this is generally a very weak free agent cla s and that teams will have ample money to throw around -- you'd have to question why so many have been completed recently.Add in the fact that players have such a finite prime of their careers, and the reality that most cant make anything close to market value until their second contracts with rookies deals so heavily slotted now, and it becomes even Dewan Hernandez Jersey more counterintuitive to enter in to any sort of deep negotiations with your current team unle s the player had multiple years remaining on his existing contract and/or was being paid like the best of breed. Yet that has hardly been the case. , for instance, . Kelce also might have swallowed hard when he saw that , who has been far le s productive at the tight end spot, . And trust me, the many teams who would have loved to have chatted with Kelces reps at the combine, were scratching their heads. For Ertzs guaranteed money to be as close to Kelces tells you all you need to know that both may have been better off playing it out.But I can understand these gentlemen doing a deal after three years in the league, with them having a year left on their rookie contracts and having to play through another full season and Vince Carter Jersey stay healthy, then still with the po sibility of a franchise tag looming after that.I get that.Much more than I can figure out what was going on with some of these other recent contracts. I would, however, generally advise anyone with a blue chip client playing things out until their current employer has to actually place that tag on them, which then forces the team to negotiate off that hefty figure rather than what the player had been making on his rookie deal. I tend to think that the contract advisors working with, say , will take a very different tact than some of their peers who have recently bound their clients to new deals. Cousins and the were nowhere close to a new deal coming out of the Senior Bowl, sources said, and Washington very well in order to retain primary negotiating rights on the quarterback.I applaud a strong-willed guy like and his agent, who grasp the market forces now working in their favor and understand the power of resting on their considerable on-field accomplishments at this particular moment in time rather than rush to do something with the .Then there's , a difference-making defensive tackle in both the run and pa sing game. Wolfe recently opted to eschew the market and with the without ever even dipping his Paul Watson Jersey toe in the combine waters, and it is somewhat baffling. He was only going to expand his brand, drive his price up, but in the end, he'll watch as his talented-but-not-as-dynamic teammate ends up bettering his deal on the opening market in a few weeks. Denver would not have been able to keep both and is doing cartwheels about retaining Wolfe at the level it was able to. With a burgeoning pa s rusher like Philadelphia's , who was being looked at by other teams similarly to how a guy like Buffalo's was a year ago, to have never even waited for his agent to sniff around on contracts with other teams at the combine, boggles my mind. He is precisely the kind of kid who may have done far better than many may have expected given his skills set and the acute premium that is placed on young pa s rushers.So, you wonder, why the heck is this taking place?Ill let you in on a dirty little secret. Agents dont want to be fired.They rue making the kind of substantial investments it takes these days to land first- and second-day draft picks, knowing they wont make any real money on these players for at least 4-5 years, yet will have to expend big bucks to train them for the combine and pray that they keep them until they sign their next deals.So, to return to my earlier point about the lack of economic incentives for quality players to be signing extensions now, Id venture to say for many of their representatives, the incentives to take some deal right now are very significant. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush, especially if you never make it to the bush. The fear of training and cultivating a top player only to have him fire you before he hits the free agent market is very real and thats why this time of the calendar year can be so fertile for many NFL teams. Trust me, they realize this in front offices and they use it to their advantage.And there are some agents who operate a lot more like McDonalds (quantity over quality and more concerned with ABC -- Always Be Closing -- rather than maximizing each individuals earning potential) than, say, The Kawhi Leonard Jersey Palm, which caters each meal to the individual diner.Very often, the economic incentives (or disincentives) for the agent will carry the day and obscure the reality for the player himself. Ive asked many execs at the NFLPA about this situation time and time again and there is no easy solution. They realize that even trying to further police the illegal poaching of clients is an exercise in diminishing returns, since almost always there is no paper train and the player is not willing to divulge that his new agent solicited him illegally.Ive suggested trying to create a two-week buffer period in February where no contracts can be done, but the union knows the NFL likely wont agree to it. And even if it did, there would still be periods on either side of the moratorium where teams would naturally push for contracts and that agents would still be fearful of losing clients -- and, in some cases, willing to do deals that wont make sense in the future.Regardle s, to me, now is the time to wait for young and talented OG Anunoby Jersey NFL players. Now is the time to stand your ground and to use the league calendar to your advantage. Now is the time to make those on the other side of the negotiating table sweat as much as you can make them, because right now -- and the span just before the start of training camp -- is one of the few times when players and agents can actually make them do so.
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